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Old 01-13-2018, 10:04 AM
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Default good?" With a suggestive leer, he reached out and patted her fanny through her robe.

good?" With a suggestive leer, he reached out and patted her fanny through her robe.
"He was a jerk! I sent him packing before we even got back here! Is that coffee ready
He stood close beside her now. He was becoming more and more interested in the
sensual-looking woman in the faded bathrobe. He dropped his apple core into the sink.
His mouth began to work its way down along the side of her face, over her ear lobe. He
felt her quiver beneath him. "So that's it! May's horny! That's why she's so grumpy!"
Automatically, she bristled. Their relationship was a combative one. She didn't give an
inch until she was ready to give a mile. "Fuck that grumpy shit! I'm just tired, that's all!
I'll be all right when I get my coffee!"
He followed close behind her as she fetched two cups and poured their coffee. Her back
was to him as she stood at the counter. He pulled up her bathrobe to bare the firm
round cheeks of her ass. His fingers caressed them familiarly, greedily. His hand slipped
in along her crack and found her pussy-slit. It was sopping wet!
"Jeez, that's a wet snatch! You sure that guy isn't upstairs right now?" he teased her.
"Or have you been doing a job on yourself, you hot little pussy you!"
"Go to hell, Spike!" she told him, but she didn't move from her vulnerable position. She
trembled as his fingers worked boldly back and forth along her pussy-furrow. Her cunt
was still wild and hungry. She knew Spike Mitchell was just the man to chase her blues
away. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation of his hard filling cock.
"I'll tell you where I'd rather go, sweetheart..." His voice was thick with excitement as
he pulled down his zipper and pulled out his swollen cock-shaft. He guided the rubbery
tip up between her thighs, toward that hot wet hole that his fingers had invaded just
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