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Old 02-13-2018, 11:05 PM
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Default against Pogo's filling cock. The blonde was learning how easy sensuality could be. She

against Pogo's filling cock. The blonde was learning how easy sensuality could be. She
just followed her instincts, and she kept everybody happy. "Jee-zuz, I'm cumming, too,
May! It's soooooo good!" The vulgar language came more and more easily. After a
weekend of self-indulgence with May, Lacey had let go of a lot of old parts of herself.
She had gained a lot in the exchange. She had gained an overwhelming world of
Spike's hand reached for his groin, tried to force down the eager swelling that had
grown there. The women's performance was keeping him open-mouthed with sheer
awe. He had always known May was a sexy bitch, but the two women together radiated
a level of sexuality that almost bowled him over. They were reveling in the depths of
depravity, yet no shame or scruples held them back. Energy fed on energy, inspiring
them, driving them to new heights of perversion. "Jee-zuz!" he whispered. He was
helpless to do anything but keep on looking.
May had made a discovery that she was quick to take advantage of. Pogo had not yet
cum. Lacey had fallen forward, deserting his iron-hard cock. Quickly, May knelt up
beside her girl friend and encouraged the dog to mount her. His cock found her hole
with astounding ease. In seconds, he was spreading wide the brunette's cunt with the
same hard-working enthusiasm he had just shown for the blonde.
"Oooohh, God-d! It's good to get screwed after being sucked! I'm so high, Lacey, I
hardly know which way is up!" Her taut well-rounded asscheeks taunted the big animal
with their hard-lunging response to his cock. She wriggled energetically to the left and
right, matching the dog's tireless energy with her own.
Gradually, Lacey managed to recover from her sated stupor well enough to crawl up
onto her knees. She watched the black dog bending over May, filling her belly with
flashing red cock. At once, the familiar tingles returned to worry her belly. She reached
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