got a taste of his powerful loving.
"Why are you doing this to meee?" He was crouching over her where she lay naked on the rug. His fingers caressed her fright-moistened cunt-slit. She writhed frantically, trying to escape the strokes that threatened to lead to pleasure. It would be too humiliating to accept pleasure now, after the way he had arrogantly grabbed her and stripped her. She couldn't let a man treat her like this... not and have the satisfaction of seeing her enjoy it, too! Spike licked his lips as he relished the moist softness of her protesting pussy. His cock was pounding inside his pants, demanding its freedom to prowl. "You don't really mean to tell me you want to make all this fuss about a man's cock, baby!" He was enjoying teasing her. The wetness of her cunt seemed to make a lie of her struggles. "You... with all your experience with that big black dog... you should be grateful for anything you can get! Not every man would go for a cunt that had fucked a dog!" Lacey wasn't even aware of exactly when the tears had started. She noticed them first when she discovered a strong salty taste on her tongue. It was so horrible! Why did he want to humiliate her like this? With May, she had learned not to feel guilty about her passion for the woman and the animal. Now this big sadist was forcing her to face another opinion, probably the opinion of most of society. She felt dirty and frightened and alone. Why didn't May come? She was beginning to feel a ferocious anger against the older woman for not being here when she needed her. She began to suspect May of being a co-conspirator in the man's plans. Why else would she not be here? "Please let me go! Let me go!" Still his hand played over the moist folds of her pussy, bringing little surges to her belly |