This is the gripping story of Lacey Strombe and her flight from betrayal. A young bride, only eighteen, Lacey discovers her husband alone with another woman, flagrantly making love. In a flash, the very fabric of their four-month-old marriage seems to disintegrate. Lacey can see no course for herself but to run away. It is in her hiding place far on the other side of the country that Lacey discovers her own capacity for betrayal. Though she considers herself free forever from her young husband, in the bottom of her heart he still holds sway. It is only after she has found herself three new lovers – one man, one woman and one dog – that the truth of Lacey's loyalties comes back to taunt her. But now, the old Lacey is gone forever. ANIMAL WIFE – a shocking story, but one that reveals a woman's true identity not only to herself, but also to the man she loves. |
The morning light filtered into the bedroom. It played over the naked body of the voluptuous brunette spread-eagled on top of the sheets. Her hands roamed hungrily over her big upthrusting tits, then reached down until they probed the thick dark thatch of her cunt. "Aaaww... God-d-d... I need it so bad!" Her voice was a hoarse cry of desperation. Her tongue flickered anxiously over her lips as her fingertips circled the peak of her swollen clitoris, and the blood-engorged nubbin peeked through her tangled pussy-hair. "Mmmmmmm... yesssss..." Sleep still hung heavy on the woman's eyelids, her long black hair surrounding her pretty face. A lazy sultry smile crept over her mouth. In the unguarded mood of first waking, her whole being centered on the growing pangs of pleasure shooting from her widespread pussy-slit. Before she did or thought about anything else, she was going to enjoy her solitary delight. As her fingers worked more and more feverishly along her pink-fleshed lips, she ground her cunt-mound upward slightly. Her hot snatch was demanding more and deeper attention. Just the clitoris wasn't enough! Her pussy was hungry! "Inside! I want it inside me!" she moaned with wanton urgency. With a sudden deep thrust, she drove two fingers far up into her wet open twat. She began to pump them in and out, in and out. Her face started to relax, then her mouth tightened in displeasure. It wasn't enough! She wanted more! Her free hand fumbled for the top drawer of her bedside table. She opened it and pulled out a long rubber dildo. With a sigh of relief, the brunette guided the awesome- |
looking device up between her thighs. She forced it against her pussy-opening, making
it open wide, making it admit the thick unnatural intrusion. "Uuuuuuh... God-d-d!... yeahh-h!" An abandoned grin distorted her pretty mouth as she pumped the imitation cock back and forth between her clinging cunt-flanges. She pulled her knees back so her heels were tight against her asscheeks. Her cunt was as open as she could get it. The pink lips of her pussy gobbled the dildo greedily as she forced it again and again deep up into her eager hole. "Ooooohhh jee-zuz! This is gonna make me cummmmm! I know it!" Her whole body trembled as she lunged her buttocks up off the mattress time and time again, reaching to swallow the satisfying mock prick. She massaged her clitoris fiercely as her other hand wielded the juice-slickened dildo. She closed her eyes and worked her mouth in desperate contortions. She was getting higher, but still the peak eluded her. Her lusty mood was shattered by the slamming of the screen door on the floor below. "Hey, May! Where are ya! It's me! Spike!" The big man in grimy T-shirt and jeans acted at home in the kitchen. He plugged in the electric coffeemaker, then opened the fridge door and stood inspecting the contents with eager curiosity. He was munching an apple when the brunette made her appearance in the doorway. She was wrapped in an old bathrobe. Her hair was still disheveled. She wore an annoyed look on her face. "When are you going to learn to knock, you big galoot? Waking up to your screaming is worse than an alarm clock!" At last he turned to face her. A broad grin brightened his ruggedly handsome features. "Hey, baby! What's the matter with you? You look grumpy as a mama bear who's lost her cubs! What happened? That guy you left the bar with last night didn't do you |
good?" With a suggestive leer, he reached out and patted her fanny through her robe.
"He was a jerk! I sent him packing before we even got back here! Is that coffee ready yet?" He stood close beside her now. He was becoming more and more interested in the sensual-looking woman in the faded bathrobe. He dropped his apple core into the sink. His mouth began to work its way down along the side of her face, over her ear lobe. He felt her quiver beneath him. "So that's it! May's horny! That's why she's so grumpy!" Automatically, she bristled. Their relationship was a combative one. She didn't give an inch until she was ready to give a mile. "Fuck that grumpy shit! I'm just tired, that's all! I'll be all right when I get my coffee!" He followed close behind her as she fetched two cups and poured their coffee. Her back was to him as she stood at the counter. He pulled up her bathrobe to bare the firm round cheeks of her ass. His fingers caressed them familiarly, greedily. His hand slipped in along her crack and found her pussy-slit. It was sopping wet! "Jeez, that's a wet snatch! You sure that guy isn't upstairs right now?" he teased her. "Or have you been doing a job on yourself, you hot little pussy you!" "Go to hell, Spike!" she told him, but she didn't move from her vulnerable position. She trembled as his fingers worked boldly back and forth along her pussy-furrow. Her cunt was still wild and hungry. She knew Spike Mitchell was just the man to chase her blues away. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation of his hard filling cock. "I'll tell you where I'd rather go, sweetheart..." His voice was thick with excitement as he pulled down his zipper and pulled out his swollen cock-shaft. He guided the rubbery tip up between her thighs, toward that hot wet hole that his fingers had invaded just |
seconds before.
Automatically, she bent forward, giving easier access to her needing pussy. From the moment she heard his zipper come down, she began to moan urgently. She felt shivers run along her spine as his resilient cockhead probed her hair-lined slit, found the yielding hole that practically reached right out to suck him inside. His cock drove far, far up into her snatch, forcing the air from her lungs, bringing a dazed look of lust to her eyes. "Ooooohhh... God-d-d, Spike! Screw me! Screw me, baby! I'm so hungry for you!" He grinned as her shapely ass wriggled back in search of his next filling stroke. With a grunt of passion, he gave it to her. Again and again... though he had no illusions about what she was hungry for. It was cock she was after... not his cock in particular. Any cock would do. He had thought differently once. He had even thought he was in love with the beautiful impetuous brunette. At last he had realized that she would never change... that variety was her way of life. So he had made it his way too. Though he was not averse to screwing May any chance he got. She was still the best lay in town. "Christ, your cunt's trying to eat me alive! Woo-ee! That guy last night doesn't know what he missed! His loss is my gain, eh, May? Move that hot ass of yours, baby!" He slapped her sharply on the buttocks, making her smooth skin flare red. The sight excited him. He screwed her in longer, deeper strokes, grunting at the delicious effort of working his way past the hungry clasp of her pussy-muscles. A crazy lewd grin showed the brunette's satisfaction with the rugged fucking she was getting from behind. Spike's thick cock made her abandoned efforts with the rubber dildo seem pallid in comparison. There was nothing like real-live cock, thick and meaty |
and filling. It made her cunt feel so good! "Uuuuuuuhhh! Yeah, Spike! You're doing it
to me, baby! Fuck, your cock's the best! The very best, baby!" Spike wanted to say something cynical about how she didn't have to bother with the compliments - he'd screw her anyway. But he was getting too intensely aroused by the way her cunt was nibbling and sucking on his stiff cock to bother with smart cracks. It didn't matter anyway. They both knew what they were here for. It was because neither one of them knew anybody who could do them better than the other. Quantity was fine, but even May appreciated top quality when she could get it. "Christ, I love your cunt, May! I love it! Shit! It's so hot... so tight!" It amazed him that a woman who used her cunt as much as May did should still feel tight as a virgin. Only the skilled way in which she moved her pussy back and forth along his cock reminded him of the endless experience the brunette had enjoyed. He was beginning to suspect that maybe pussy-muscles worked the same as any other kind of muscle - the more a woman used it, the better shape it was going to be in. On that basis, May practically qualified as the Charles Atlas of screwing. "Do it, Spike! God, do it to meeee!" Nothing was going through the woman's mind but sheer raw sensations. She thrust her buttocks high in the air, striving to help the man sink his cock as deep into her snatch as it would go. "Uuuuhhh... ooohhhhhh, Spike! I want it deep! Dee-e-e-e-pp!" Her lusty desperation snapped the last of the big man's reserve. He pulled her away from the counter and pushed her down toward the floor. His cock remained buried deep in her pussy. As soon as they were kneeling like rutting dogs on the floor, he sank his fingers into her ass-flesh and drove into her in long, lunging strokes. "You want it deep, baby? Well, that's what you're getting! Jeezz-z!" He could feel his cock-tip battering her cervix on each grinding instroke. Her cunt-muscles spasmed agonizingly |
around his swollen cock each time he held her skewered deeply. "Like that, do you,
May baby?" he teased her. He didn't have to ask. He knew damned well she not only liked it, she loved it - every little thing he was doing to her. Her moans became an incoherent wail of animal pleasure. She turned her head crazily from side to side, making her luxuriant dark hair fly around her face. Her pink tongue darted eagerly over her lips. Her eyes were shut tight. The woman was gone - far gone into the outer reaches of sheer soaring ecstasy. "Hhhhnnnhhhh! Uuuuuhhhh!" Darts of excitement ricocheted wildly back and forth inside her writhing, passion-tensed body. It was all Spike could do to maintain some kind of hold on the abandoned brunette. Her ass lunged back against his loins with mounting fury. Her pussy climbed right up his rigid cock, demanding more of its hard rubbery massage. He watched his swollen prick disappear up into her nibbling cunt, and he wanted to cum right then and there. But he held himself back. First he had to make the woman let go. Then he could take his own pleasure. Morning sunlight flooded the kitchen, bathing the rutting, sweating lovers in its golden glow. The rich smell of fresh-brewed coffee mingled with the thick tell-tale aroma of passion. May's unchecked wails of delight provided the vocal accompaniment to the blossoming sensory stimuli. Both man and woman were lost in the throes of their own powerful need to enjoy. Spike drove his cock as far into the woman's pussy as it would go. May undulated her entire voluptuous body in a hell-bent effort to extract every last ounce of pleasure from his filling cock. For a while it seemed to both of them that they could go on forever like this. Then they climbed another notch, and there was no holding back for either of them. "Oh God-d-d, Spike! I'm cummmmmingg-g!" |
"Oh yeah, baby! Your pussy's so sweet and hot! Shit, I'm filling you full! I'm doing it,
May!" They lay in a wanton heap on the floor for several long minutes. Spike's hand reached inside May's bathrobe and he rolled a nipple between his fingers. The little nubbin was hard and elastic, driven to the limits of expansion by the feverish intensity of her climb to release. At last she struggled to her feet and made a half-hearted effort to arrange her robe. Spike followed her up. He pushed his flaccid cock back into his fly and pulled up the zipper. "Hell of a way to start the day!" He grinned and reached for his coffee. "Man, if they could find a way to package that, they'd put corn flakes right out of business!" "Maybe... but man does not live by cunt alone!" May was in a much better mood. Her earlier grumpiness had gone the way of her horniness. "Here, have some more coffee to warm that up!" While she filled his cup, he caressed her ass tenderly through her worn robe. "You're all woman, May... which brings me to the original reason why I came by here this morning!" She looked at him archly. "You mean you didn't come here for pussy?" "Hell, no! But I'm not the kind of man to let opportunity pass me by! I was up kind of early, and I thought you might like to make me a nice big breakfast before I have to be in at the garage." "You freeloader! You phony! As if I had to tell you about 'living by cunt alone'! Sometimes I wonder what you like better about me - my pussy or my cooking!" She held up the dish towel to strike him with it, but decided to laugh instead. His face was |
dead serious. "Jeez, May, I tell you, I'd hate to have to make a flat-out choice. I
wouldn't want to insult your pussy or your cooking!" She finished her coffee and began to reach for food from the cupboard. "I tell you, Spike, it's lucky for you I'm no women's libber! Instead, I'm going to make you a deal." "Sounds good, baby!" "Okay... I serve you eggs, sausage and flapjacks, and you give me dessert!" She grinned wickedly and ran her tongue over her lips. He grabbed her ass hungrily. "I'll eat your pussy to distraction when I'm done, woman! But it tastes even better than that good maple syrup of yours!" She giggled. "Bet it does!" |
Spike's tongue had been exploring May's hot open snatch for less than five minutes when he suddenly leapt to his feet. "Hell, I'm sorry, May! I've really got to get down to the garage! The boss told me there'd be hell to pay if I was late again this month!" He kissed her quickly on the mouth and hurried out, banging the screen door behind him. May glared after him. "You didn't think of that when you were eating my food, did you, bastard!" She rose from the kitchen chair and smoothed down her robe. Her pussy tingled with the sweet memory of his agile tongue exploring her soft hungry depths. She toyed with the idea of going back upstairs to her dildo. She dismissed the idea at once. Something a little more enticing was in order this morning. She stood at the screen door and whistled. When several minutes had elapsed, her whistle was rewarded by an answering bark. A large black dog came bounding up to the door. May let him in and matched his eager excitement with hugs and pats and squeals of delight. "Pogo, you bad boy! Where have you been? You realize you haven't been home for two days?" Pogo was just like any of the males in May's life. He was happy-go-lucky, unpredictable... and a born misfit. He was a mongrel, a big mongrel who looked a little bit like a shepherd, a little like a Labrador, a little like a setter. Pogo was a little of a lot of things. He had won May's heart the day he followed her home from the supermarket. He had been little more than a puppy then, yet still he had let May tame him only as much as he wanted to be tamed. He came around when he felt like it. The rest of the time, he was a tramp, wandering off in search of adventures. After Pogo had finished off what was left of the sausages and eggs, May led him into the big, old-fashioned living room. The drapes were still drawn. May could be sure of |
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