She was frightened, but she kept May's picture before her as an example. Pogo's hard
cock had made May moan and writhe with pleasure. There was nothing to fear. She was going to feel all that awesome joy that May had been radiating last night. Lacey shuddered as she felt the dog's paws clasp her hips. She was buffeted harshly forward as he began to rut against her, searching for the warm damp opening to her cunt. His hard cock grazed her thigh each time it fell useless back from her slit. The contact excited her. She could feel her hard clitoris throbbing with lewd anticipation. "Uuuuhhh! Get it in there! Do it to me, doggie! Pleeee-ze!" She was just drunk enough that the thought of her self-abasement did not embarrass her in the least. Instead, it excited her. For the first time since leaving home, she could think of her husband without feeling sad. Instead, she felt a powerful surge of pride. He must have thought he was real hot stuff, she thought, sneaking around behind his wife's back, getting his cock sucked! Well, that was nothing compared to what Lacey could do when she really set her mind to it! She had never had any lover but Dave. Now, she was looking forward to feeling a dog's cock up in her pussy. This should sever her sentimental ties to her husband, once and for all. Screwing the dog was proclaiming her freedom! "Screw me, Pogo! Screw meee!" she cried recklessly. By chance, it was just as she uttered her drunken cry that the dog's cock found its heated goal. His cock-tip caught at the entrance to her pussy, and soared deep, deep up inside. She was spread wide by a throbbing hard length of dog-cock! Her sense of victory was short-lived as she realized with sudden searing abruptness that it hurt. His cock was too big and too rigid for her tender inexperienced twat! "Oooohhh... nooooooooo... I can't do it!!" |
With frantic squirms and lunges, she tried to break herself free of the animal's obscene
embrace. Nothing she attempted seemed to do the least bit of good. Pogo's cock was locked into the blonde's cunt, and that was where he intended to keep it. He skittered after her as she tried to crawl away from him. His forepaws locked firmly into her hips as she waved them from side to side. Obviously, Lacey wasn't the first bitch who had tried to get away on Pogo. He had his technique down pat' Slowly, it dawned on Lacey that she was helplessly trapped. She was committed now to servicing the animal's big cock until at last he was ready to cum in her. Tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn't believe how foolish she had been, not to expect the dog's ruthless skewering to hurt. It had been May's response that had lulled her into calm acceptance. May had certainly not been hurting, but, then, maybe May was used to it. Maybe at first, it had hurt even for May. "Uuuuhhhggghh!! Oh Pogo... noooooo!" The dog was establishing a hard-driving screwing pace deep up into her reluctant pussy. She was intensely aware of every inch of his cock as it soared over her tender vaginal flesh. Though she knew she had no choice but to accept his brutal passion, it was difficult to reconcile her body and mind to the continuing painful lunges. Even her efforts to relax were struggles to resist the ruthless humiliation she had created for herself. At last, Lacey sought refuge in blanking out her mind completely. She didn't let herself think about the awful thing that was happening to her. She felt her buttocks being buffeted forward. She felt the filling cock splitting wide the walls of her cunt. She felt the hairy paws clinging desperately to her hips. The effects of the alcohol seemed to recur, just in time to save her from utter misery. The pain became more and more murky a sensation. It was replaced first by an intense awareness of the repeated jarring. Then there followed an awesome sense of the |
pleasure deriving from a hard tireless cock massaging her pussy, forcing her lips apart,
filling her to brimming with excited twinges. "Uuuuuuhhhh... oooohhhh..." The joy in her moans surprised even Lacey. It was only as she began to whine pleasurably that she realized for certain that she was no longer hurting. She had been conquered by the sheer brute experience of being screwed by a dog. Screwed to the very limits of her endurance. Screwed as she had never been screwed before... as she had never let herself be screwed before. No longer a weeping frightened victim, Lacey began to squirm out her excitement with wanton abandon. In long answering lunges, she drove her ass back to meet the dog's every assault. Curious to see how Pogo was taking it all, she looked back over her shoulder at the mongrel's big black face. His tongue was dangling from his mouth, shining with saliva. His eyes were fixed with a lusty glaze. They reflected the excitement that Lacey herself felt. It was truer than she had imagined. Now that she had erased her guilt and anxiety, she was meeting the animal on his own level. She had been reduced to an animal herself in order to learn the full extent of her own responses. She felt she knew exactly what Pogo was feeling as she drove her pussy back to swallow up his hard cock. To let the dog know she knew, she squeezed her pussy-muscles around his cock. "You're a good lover, Pogo darling! Ooooohhh... I feel soooo ni-i-i-ce! Do it to me like that! Do it to meeeee!" Like a bitch in heat, Lacey screwed the dog. She lost track of time as she thrust herself again and again back into the compelling world of filling pleasure. Absorbed as she was in her own senses, she forgot all about the time limit on May's absence. She didn't even hear the back door open and close. May stood awestruck in the living room doorway, watching her young boarder moan |
before the dog's eager cock-thrusts. All during her class, May had been wondering how
Lacey was, how she was feeling. She wanted to know what had gone on in the blonde's head last night, and how she felt this morning. She had made up her mind to be frank with the girl. She was going to bring the subject right out in the open. Only Lacey had beat her to it. In the most stunning way possible. She had lured the big dog into the house and into her pussy. She was teaching herself how to enjoy the forbidden thrills of a dog's tapered cock. "Oh God, Pogo! It's never been like this! I... I... oooooohhh!" May could see the tension building in the muscles of the other woman's back. Lacey was growing more and more susceptible to that hard-driving rhythm. Her cunt was swallowing up Pogo's cock with increasing speed and greed. It couldn't be much longer. May was right. The furnace inside Lacey's belly was stoked to capacity. She was a seething cauldron of sensation. Every inch Pogo's cock moved up into her pussy released a million darts throughout her kneeling, quivering body. She was stabbed to the core with lust-responses. It only remained for her to surrender after the good fight. "Aaaiiieeeeee! Ooohh, I'm cummmmingg-g!" With growing excitement, May watched the delicate pink hole of Lacey's pussy spasm around the dog's red cock. To her delight, she watched Pogo begin to rut more ferociously forward. The dog had been enough in tune with Lacey to respond to her release. He was cumming too. He was filling the blonde's young cunt with great streaming gobs of dog-semen. Though she was unaware of when it had happened, May's hand had reached down to clutch the pulsing mound of her pussy. Her cunt was throbbing in sympathy with |
Lacey's climaxing hole. "Oh, Lacey! You're so beautiful! It makes me so hot just to
watch you!" The girl pulled away from the dog so quickly she lost her balance. She sat down heavily on her ass and stared awestruck up at May. "Holy Cow!" was all she could manage to get out. |
May couldn't help smiling at the embarrassed look on her young boarder's face. Lacey looked so innocent and helpless, sitting on the rug, naked, legs splayed awkwardly. As she surveyed the full out-thrusting tits, the smooth belly, and tight little blonde pussy vee, May grew more and more intensely aware of the tingling up inside her own cunt. She fell to her knees between Lacey's legs and stroked the girl's face and shoulders tenderly. "Don't be embarrassed, Lacey. After all, what I found you doing is no more than you saw me doing last night... right?" Lacey's blue eyes swelled wide with wonder. "You knew? You knew I was watching you all the time?" She wasn't sure how to react to that knowledge. She felt somehow betrayed. Why hadn't May told her last night that she knew? Why hadn't she called out to her? "Not all the time. But I saw some movement in the doorway... then I heard some heavy breathing. I knew you were out there making yourself feel good. It turned me on. It made Pogo's cock feel all the better to know you were watching me and enjoying it." May could feel the moisture soaking through the crotch of her slacks. She couldn't stop staring at Lacey's round ripe tits, her pretty little pussy that sparkled with stray drops of Pogo's cum. The blonde's eyes flashed. "Why didn't you tell me you knew?" May's calm smile washed away Lacey's anger. The teenager could feel goose bumps standing out on her flesh as May's fingers ran lightly up over her legs, her hips, up to her sensitized tits. "Why didn't you tell me you were there?" May asked. "I was afraid, |
just like you, Lacey. I was afraid of what I felt was happening between us. I was afraid
of frightening you away." "You shouldn't have been afraid..." Lacey's murmur died into a groan of contentment as May closed her lips over her nipple and began to suck greedily. The girl recalled the unnatural feelings she had felt for May last night, and realized how right the older woman was. They had been feeling something very special for each other. Last night had helped to mold. the feelings into a form that was very real, very urgent to both of them. With May's tongue and lips on her tit, the feelings no longer seemed unnatural. They seemed like exactly what the girl had been craving since the night she spied her husband with another woman. The runaway girl needed to be soothed, to be loved. Screwing was great, and Pogo had done his job well. But there was something else. She smiled at the big dog sitting a few feet away, watching them. She thought he looked like he was smiling back at her. Did Pogo know he had in a strange way been the matchmaker that brought her and May together? "Oh yes! Suck my tittie, May! It feels so good!" She wrapped her arms around the older woman and held her face close to her naked tit. She was shaking all over from the sheer wanton energy that May's mouth was transmitting through her rubbery nipple... It didn't even occur to her to recoil from the lesbian passion rising inside her. The lusty session she had just enjoyed with Pogo had opened her up to receiving pleasure. She knew she wanted. what May could give her. She knew that made it right. "Oh, Lacey! Your tittie tastes so good, darling!" May pushed Lacey gently onto her back and crouched over her, taking one nipple after the other into her mouth. She kneaded the firm resilient flesh of Lacey's tits while her tongue stabbed their rigid peaks, coaxing them to blood-swollen erection. The blonde's rising cries of passion made May's hands |
tremble as they gradually worked down over the smooth belly... as they encountered the
kinky little patch of the other woman's pussy-hair. Lacey was beside herself with passion, with the very knowledge of what was about to happen to her. She was over awed by the realization that May was obviously as attracted to her as she was to the worldly brunette. She recalled how beautiful May had looked, kneeling like an inspired witch before the rutting dog. "Take your clothes off, May! Please! I want to see how beautiful you are!" The older woman was flattered by the blonde's eager request. She rose to her feet and quickly pulled off her clothing. She stood, for a moment over the panting, bright-eyed girl, letting her mind savor the knowledge that Lacey was about to be hers. Then, with a groan, she fell back down onto the waiting blonde. "God, I've wanted you so much!" Lacey felt delirious with desire. She watched May plant kisses down over her belly and pubic mound. Tremors tickled at her spinal column as she wondered if May was going to eat her "down there". Though she had never let her husband do such a thing, Pogo had paved the way for this new kind of pleasure. Lacey was actually looking forward to the feel of the woman's tongue on her cum-soaked genitals. She even ground her hips up toward May's face, encouraging her in her lusty task. "Ohhhh, I want you to do it to me, May! I want to feel good all over!" "You will, darling! You will!" Groaning with hungry abandon, May stabbed Lacey's clitoris with her tongue. Relishing the piquant taste of the girl's excitement mixed with the dog's cum, she licked round and round the stiffened little member. "Uuuuuhhhh! Aaaiiieeeee!" Pogo's licking had not prepared Lacey for the pleasure of May's tongue. She realized quickly that the difference with a human was that she could |
pick out all the most vulnerable areas and pay them special attention. May's tongue
kept prodding the tip of her clitoris, then sliding down the peak to circle the fleshy base, to suck up the juices of the girl's excitement. Then, with unexpected haste, the tongue slipped down to her hot cunt and stabbed right on up inside. "Oh my God! It's incredible!" May strained to look up over the girl's cunt-mound to her flushed, dazed face. Lacey was tossing her head from side to side, running her tongue sexily over her lips between lusty mewls of abandon. It thrilled May to see the pleasure she was bringing the young runaway. It made her want to do more... to immerse herself in the sweet sounds and smells and tastes of Lacey... all for the innocent blonde's pleasure. "Mmmmmm..." The brunette's nose nudged up against Lacey's clitoris as her tongue fucked in and out of the girl's spasming wet hole. Greedy for more of the taste of mixed juices, May closed her mouth over the fluted lips of Lacey's pussy and sucked fiercely. She sighed with the rich reward of flavors that oozed into her mouth. Through lust-dimmed eyes, Lacey watched May's naked ass squirming wantonly up behind her as she slaved over her cunt. She wanted to stroke that wonderful, sleek- looking flesh, but it was too far away. She contented herself with running her fingers through May's fanned-out hair. Her cunt-mound continued to grind up into May's face as the older woman ate her pussy with rising eagerness. "Christ, your pussy tastes good, Lacey! It's so sweet! I've never tasted anything like it!" May knew she was in love with the youthful fresliness of the girl, her generous passion that was freely given, no strings attached. In the first flush of youthful sensuality, Lacey had not yet learned to hold anything back. She was responding with every fiber of her being. |
May was ready and willing to devour every touch, every gesture that Lacey offered her.
Until this day, the brunette had never found a woman to equal her in native sensuality. In Lacey, she had finally met her match. Consciously, she would never have expected it of the girl. Lacey looked so fragile, so innocent. Yet, there had been something in the newcomer that had appealed right away to May's alert libido. Perhaps, after all, she had sensed a sister under the skin. The harder she worked, the more freely the juices flowed from May's own aching pussy. Feasting on Lacey's wide-open pussy only whetted the brunette's appetite for stimulation of her own. She thought of squatting her cunt over Lacey's face, but she decided it was not time yet for that. She wanted to do all the giving this time. She wanted to introduce Lacey properly to the joys of what a woman could do for another woman. But there was an alternative to a sixty-nine, another way May could satisfy her eager twat. There was Pogo. Mewling hungrily into the wet slit of Lacey's cunt, May waved her asscheeks more and more wantonly, hoping to catch the dog's attention. For just an instant, she looked back over her shoulder. She saw Pogo sitting up, watching her. "Yeah, boy! That's the idea! Time to get back into action!" She sank her tongue back up into Lacey's pussy as the dog came up behind her and mounted her waving ass. The momentary lull in the feelings shooting from her pussy made Lacey open her eyes again and look down at May. She saw the dog come forward and mount the shapely pear of the brunette's ass. A rush of passion swept through her full lush body. May was going to screw Pogo while she ate her pussy! The idea was so perverted, it was thrilling! Already Lacey was looking forward to the brutal exchange of animal energy. She had no borders any more. She wanted to experience it all! |
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